Consistently convey your business to your target market with colors and graphics that represent your products or services and are visually enticing to your customers. From a business card for a prospective client to a thank you note at project completion, keep your message clear with a distinct presentation.
Make sure your first impression isn't your only impression!
Delivering your message in a tangible format creates a more involved experience, appealing to several senses. Thoughtful design and creative presentation of your products or services on paper, in hand, continues to be a powerful format to attract and inform customers. We work with local printers who press and paint paper in a wide variety of artistic styles, both new and old.
Don't add to the recycling bin, communicate with a work of art. Advertise meaningfully!
Bring your branding and print representation to life on the web. A solid website enables you to deliver a large amount of information to a large audience quickly. Quality design and written content are key to engaging customers on the page; the most current and clearly executed code is crucial to being well-received by search engines and getting found by prospective customers.
You can't be everywhere, but your site will be. Put it to work!
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be confusing and thoroughly daunting to anyone. By providing a monthly SEO package, we offer to take the reigns and craft an SEO strategy to get your business seen by the clients you want. We have been in the trenches for years and have a clear understanding of what needs to be done to achieve greater results.
From site maps and search engine site submission to SEO best practices, we can take your site’s reach to a higher level. Adding an SEO package ensures your site and content will continue to perform.
The key to maintaining a secure website is keeping all components up-to-date. By providing a monthly maintenance package we give our clients peace of mind, knowing they are taken care of and their information is secure.
We will routinely update all security patches, all site file back ups, and all plugins (for WordPress sites). If a patch or update affects how your website displays, we will quickly edit code, as needed, so your site is updated with minimal down time.
In order to properly speak to clients you need to be a master of your topic. Since you already are the master of your business, we prefer our clients to provide content with their voice and expertise on display. Then we copyedit to maximize your words for SEO and confirm your content is easily digestible for laymen.
If, however, writing is one thing you despise, we have got you covered. We know someone who can gather the information you need to get across and weave the words for you.
Whether you need product photography, head shots of your prized employees or industrial images of your work space, professional photographs are invaluable. They make the design work, be it online or in a printed piece.
Our house photographer has spent years honing her craft and does her best to make sure your images are the ones that will translate into revenue for your business. Don't let a few poorly shot photos ruin your credibility in a potential client’s eyes.